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Compare Cheap Business Energy Rates

The current energy price crisis means cheap rates can be hard to find. But even if your renewal offers are a lot higher than your last contracted rates, these prices are likely to be lower than your supplier's out-of-contract rates. That's why you could still save money by locking in your rates now. To compare energy rates and ger a cheaper deal for your business, give our switching team a call now on 0800 188 4930, or fill in the form opposite and we’ll get right back to you.

3 min read

A business owner in a denim apron stands outside of her restaurant

How to find cheap gas and cheap business electricity

Why should you compare cheap business energy rates? Given how time-consuming comparing commercial energy used to be, there might once have been a good argument not to – but now Uswitch for Business has a team of tech-enabled energy experts on board, we can help you find a better business energy deal in a matter of minutes. 

Comparing prices to find cheap business electricity and gas is easier than ever. And switching could knock hundreds of pounds off the cost of your business energy bills. Need more reasons to compare and switch? Read on.

If your current energy contract is coming to an end, or even if it’s already passed its expiry date, we can help ensure you are not overpaying for your business energy – allowing you to use that extra time and money to further strengthen your business.

The easiest way to find the cheapest business gas and electricity rates is to run a commercial energy price comparison. But with so many energy suppliers now in the market, the only way to make sure you’re on the very best deal for your business is to individually compare the gas and electricity prices currently offered by each supplier.

This means running a comparison all by yourself can be difficult, time-consuming and stressful, and when you consider that each provider offers its own types of deals and tariffs, it’s also tough to know what to look for.

That’s why using a price comparison service is the best method for finding the right deal, and the energy experts at UswitchforBusiness will do all of this for you in a fraction of the time. Our smart technology means we can use your information to find you the cheapest business energy rates for your needs. And because we work with a panel of trusted suppliers, switching with us will also give you the peace of mind that you’re with a quality supplier who can meet the demands of your business.

Our searches include both regional and national energy suppliers, smaller, independent providers right up to the bigger household names.

What affects the price of your business energy deal?

When comparing cheap energy prices for business, there are a number of factors that are taken into account, including the size of your workplace, where it’s located and the number of staff you employ - all of which can have a big impact on the way you use energy and the type of deal you need.

Our energy experts know that all businesses are different and have different needs when it comes to using gas and electricity - Even two businesses that look very similar on the face of it can have very different needs when it comes to their energy supply and contract.

This means we can appreciate that while a tariff may be cheap for one business, it might not look like such a great deal for another and what you will pay depends heavily on what you need. This is why we take into account all of the various factors when comparing energy deals for your business, and also look at the more nuanced aspects of an energy deal, such as whether a contact with a high standing charge but low unit price would suit you better, or vice-versa.

What are the cheapest business gas rates?

With so many variables involved, it’s difficult to say what the cheapest gas rates are for your business, without running a price comparison. But if you’re unsure how much gas your business should be using and how much you should be paying, here are the current average usage figures and rates for SMEs.

Average business gas rates

Business sizeAnnual usagePrice per kWhStanding chargeAvg. annual cost
Micro business5,000 - 15,00018.6p66.6p£2,103
(based on annual usage of 10,000kWh)
Small business15,000 - 30,00013.1p134.2p£3,438
(based on annual usage of 22,500kWh) 
Medium business30,000 - 65,00016.2p179.6p£8,350
(based on annual usage of 47,500kWh) 
Large business65,000 +10.2p278.1p £7,645
(based on annual usage of 65,000kWh) 

Note: Bill size may vary according to your meter type and business location. Figures don't include the Energy Bill Relied Scheme discount. Current market volatility may also mean that the prices you’re quoted are different from the averages shown. The figures shown are the average unit rates and standing charges quoted by Bionic per business size from January 3 to January 6, 2023. Rates do not include any Energy Bill Relief Scheme discount.

What are the cheapest business electricity rates?

If you want to reduce your business overheads, switching to a cheaper energy deal is a quick and easy way to cut costs - especially as most businesses use a lot of electricity to keep things running.

The energy expert at Uswitch for Business can help you find a cheaper electricity plan but,, just like gas rates, the price you will pay for your electricity business rates will heavily depend on the information you provide in terms of your business and past consumption habits.

Once you have provided all this information, we’ll locate the cheapest business gas rates for you – enabling you to make a much more informed decision as to which deal you wish to enter.

To give you an idea of how much electricity your business should be using and how much you should be paying, here are the current average usage figures and rates for SMEs.

Average business electricity rates

Business sizeAnnual usagePrice per kWhStanding chargeAvg. annual cost
Micro business5,000 - 15,00044.9p95.0p£4,837
(based on annual usage of 10,000kWh) 
Small business15,000 - 25,00040.7p116.5p £8,565
(based on annual usage of 20,000kWh) 
Medium business25,000 - 50,00034.6p102.5p£14,124
(based on annual usage of 40,000kWh) 
Large business50,000 +36.1p 138.3p £20,359
(based on annual usage of 55,000kWh) 

Note: Bill size may vary according to your meter type and business location. Figures don't include the Energy Bill Relied Scheme discount. Current market volatility may also mean that the prices you’re quoted are different from the averages shown. The figures shown are the average unit rates and standing charges quoted by Bionic per business size from January 3 to January 6, 2023. Rates do not include any Energy Bill Relief Scheme discount.

How much can you save by switching supplier?

If you haven’t switched energy suppliers for at least a few years, it’s likely that your contract won’t have the most competitive rates. This means you’re overpaying for energy and it’s time to compare cheap energy prices for businesses to find a better deal.

If your contract has ended without you knowing, you may have been put on a rollover or deemed contract – these are some of the most expensive around. But don’t worry, you can normally get out of these contracts within 28 days and switch to a cheap business energy deal.

In either case, running a price comparison is incredibly important, as it allows you to find cheap energy rates and switch energy suppliers and take advantage of lower tariffs, reducing your overheads and outgoings.

It is difficult to come up with an exact figure on how much you could save by switching. But considering all the factors used to determine your tariff, you can be sure you’ll be able to cut costs on one or more of these.

With business energy prices running into the thousands for both gas and electricity, any reduction in the unit price per kWh and the daily standing charge can result in large savings for your business.

When looking for cheap electricity and cheap gas, it is easy to simply look for the lowest price. But you should also take into account the reputation of the energy supplier, and whether they can ensure reliable, consistent supply to your business. This is because any failures in energy can have detrimental effects on both your production and your reputation.

What information do you need to find the cheapest business energy rates?

The information required by our experts to help you find cheap business energy can often all be found on a recent energy bill from your existing energy supplier.

This will include:

  • Your current supplier
  • Where your business is located
  • The type of energy you require
  • Your average consumption
  • The number of sites you need energy delivered to
  • When your contract ends

Once we have all this information, we can compare quotes to find the best deal for your business. To see how much you could save, give us a call now on 0800 188 4930.

How to find cheap gas and cheap business electricity
What affects the price of your business energy deal?
What are the cheapest business gas rates?
What are the cheapest business electricity rates?
How much can you save by switching supplier?
What information do you need to find the cheapest business energy rates?

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How Uswitch business energy comparison works


We find your details

Just enter your business address and we'll use industry data to accurately find and understand your energy usage.


We talk through your quotes

One of our UK-based experts will search our supplier panel and give you a call to talk you through the results on screen.


You choose the deal you want

With all the information to hand, you choose the deal that best suits your business and we'll handle the switch for you.

Your comparison is free.

If you decide to switch, we’ll be paid a commission by the new supplier that is included in the prices we quote.

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