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Business Energy Efficiency

Switching energy suppliers is a quick way to cut your business energy bills. But if you want to cut your costs even further and over a sustained period of time, you’ll need to make your business more energy efficient. Here are some ways to find out how much energy your business is using, along with steps to help make your business more energy efficient.

3 min read

A small business owner stands in front of his workshop with bikes and other products in the background

How to work out how much energy your business is using

The first step to making your business more energy efficient is finding out how much energy you’re currently using. Carrying out an energy audit will help you see where most energy is being used, so you can work out where it might be being wasted. An energy audit is quite straightforward. You can get started with a few simple steps:

  • Take regular meter readings
  • Make a checklist to help you monitor where energy is being used - for example, heating and lighting
  • Identify habits that are wasting energy, such as leaving computers on standby

You could also call in a professional auditor to get a detailed corporate energy efficiency report which will highlight exactly where you can save energy.

It’s worth considering having a smart meter installed. As well as making your energy bills more accurate, by automatically submitting readings to your supplier, smart meters show you exactly how much energy you’re using, as well as how and when you’re using it. This is invaluable information when you’re looking to be more energy efficient and make bigger business energy savings.

How much energy should your business be using?

These tables should give you an idea of how much energy the average business consumes, according to the business size. Bear in mind that these are average figures and that every business uses energy differently.

Average business electricity usage

Business sizeaverage annual usage (kWh)
Small business15,000-30,000
Medium business30,000-50,000
Large business50,000 or more

Average business gas usage

Business sizeAverage annual usage (kWh)
Small business15,000-30,000
Medium business30,000 -65,000
Large business65,000 or more

How to improve your business energy efficiency

Once you’ve got a handle on how much energy your business is using, the next step is to look at where you can reduce your energy usage. There are lots of ways to improve medium and small business energy efficiency, including:

  • Involve your staff: helping your staff to understand the energy they use can really help. Work with your team to show them the small ways they can cut down on their energy usage during the day – you’ll be surprised at the difference these small changes can make to your energy costs.
  • Switch off: don’t leave your computers and monitors on standby overnight or at the weekend. When your IT equipment is on standby it uses around 70% of the energy it would be using if it was switched on and being used normally.
  • Make your lighting energy efficient: try to use energy efficient light bulbs wherever you can. Also try to keep your light fittings clean and free of dust, as this can affect your lighting’s efficiency.
  • Keep an eye on the temperature: try to keep your office working environment between 16C and 19C. It’s a good idea to put the heating on a timed thermostat, to make sure the heating is only being used when it’s needed. If your business is only open Monday - Friday, then there’s no need to have the heating on over weekends and bank holidays.
  • Stop draughts: check all your windows and doors to make sure there aren’t any draughts where heat could be escaping. If you do find any problems, a simple draught excluder could do the trick.
  • Keep your heat sources clear: when you’re using radiators or heaters on chilly days, make sure they’re not blocked by desks or equipment. This is a simple step to make sure the heat can circulate properly and heat the room effectively
  • Get your boiler serviced regularly: it’s important to get regular services for the boilers in your workplace so you can be sure they’re working properly and are fit for purpose. YOu should ideally be getting a service once a year.

How to make more commercial energy savings

When you’ve got your business energy usage under control, it’s worth making sure you’re on the best energy deal. Shopping around when your business energy contract comes up for renewal is the easiest way to save on your bills - you could save a huge amount by switching to a new supplier, especially if you’re currently paying out-of-contract rates.

You can switch to a new supplier up to three months before the end of your current contract, and this will ensure that you’re not rolled over onto a more expensive tariff when your contract expires. Talk to Uswitch for Business today on 0800 188 4930 to hear how we can help you find the best deal for your business. We’ll run a business electricity plan comparison and take care of all the details involved in switching.

How to work out how much energy your business is using
How much energy should your business be using?
How to improve your business energy efficiency
How to make more commercial energy savings

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